Montag, 30. April 2012

P.S. - Hairstylist Clip is out

Before I forget, I was not only in vacation the last months, one of the things I did was also a little clip for a hairstylist in Berlin/ Beelitz. So enjoy this as well and we will see what other things will coming up!

A Sign of Life

Part of my Father stays hereA Sign of GroceryCrazy HorsesRun to the HillsRun to the HillsMy Sons deligate
Dry Dragon Plantflower power IIplaindreamstruckland of glimwounds in sacred mountains
Humans FaceMemori photographicaSmile me to your Leader, EarthlingIndian GasindustrialLandsscape
GhosttownTale of Marlboro ManDead End TreeBurnedLast stop for YellowstoneFlower Power I
... an der Biegung des Flusses, ein Album auf Flickr.
The last months was pretty amazing for me, as you saw, I came a littelbit around from poland to spain, greece (I didn´t post it, confidential topic) and in the end Vancouver, Canada again. In mid of April I was even in the States and yes there will be a little shortfilm to that, but I shot it on Super 8, so I will post it later on , when the film arrived from the lab.

As long you´ll be waiting for that I can offer you a little photographical Impression on my Flickr Account! Stay tuned!