Saturday, the 21th, We start shooting the Musicvideos for the german songwriterduo "Spieltrieb" on the beach at Darß/westbeach. Suspiciously observed by holiday-maker we shoot the start sequences for the song "Marlborough Hair". We had a lot of fun and it´s quite a big deal to shoot with digital SLR, which give us the opportunity to get an enormous hollywood look!

On Sunday, we moved upcountry to a farm of two wonderful people which invited us spontaneously. Great thanks to Sophie & René and not forgot to mention, Xena, for that big deal to shoot the Song "Ich war mal Cowboy" (One upon a time I was a cowboy) on your very beautiful place!

With a schedule on a nightshoot we spent less time than expected and the normal "Murphy-problems" keeps within a limit!

At last we finished on a cloudy monday with a good feeling of getting some great shots onto the hardrive, I guess thats the right term in this digital business, and I hopefully get it edit and composed until november to premiere the musicvideos in Potsdam! Thank you all it was a pleasure to meet and work with you! Yeeehaaa!